Faithfull St Campus

The Faithfull st campus comprises of approximately 430 students from Year 7 to 12. The campus has plenty of open space for activity, a stadium, a new technology wing and senior study building and a performing arts centre.

Year 7 Program

The Year 7 program is focused on creating an experience that will provide the students with the following advantages:

  • Easy transition from Year 6 to Year 7
  • The opportunity to further develop relationships integral to learning
  • Increased student engagement in learning
  • Development of critical thinking skills.


Year 7 students experience studies in eight Learning Areas these include core subjects Maths ,English, Science, Humanities, Indonesian, Music, Health & Physical Education. All core subjects operate throughout the year.

Non Core subjects include: Art, Information Technology, Food & Technology. These non-core subjects run for one semester.


The Year 7 classes are based in the B-Wing of the Faithfull St Campus. Each class has their own room for the majority of their classes.  In 2021, your child will have specialised teachers for each subject.  This ensures the best possible teaching for the needs of each student.

Year 8 Program

Students experience six core Learning Areas that run the entire year. These include: Maths, English, Science, Humanities, Health and PE, & Music. Across the year each form will have Art & Digi Tech, Food Tech and Technology.


The variety of subjects enables students to have a broad range of experience across all Learning Areas before choosing further electives for Year 9.


In 2019, we introduced the Respectful Relationship Program. The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships learning materials have been designed for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills and positive gender norms in children and young people has been shown to improve health related outcomes and subjective wellbeing. It also reduces antisocial behaviours, including engagement in gender related violence. This program will continue to be delivered.


The Year 8 students will also participate in 3 x 75 minute education sessions of teen Mental Health First Aid delivered by Mental Health First Aid accredited trainers. Live4Life was created in response to a reported increase from schools and agencies, in regards to a rise in depression, anxiety, cyber bullying and self-harm which has led to the need for a coordinated response to address our young people’s mental health.

Year 9 Program

Students experience five core Learning Areas that run the entire year. These include: Maths, English, Science, Humanities, Health and PE. The Year 9 are also eligible to choose their own electives. The possible electives include:  Digital Technology, Auto, Outdoor Education, Metal, Photo Art, 2D Art, Wood, Music, Jewellery, Food and Drama. This provides students with the opportunity to work in a range of theory and skills, individually and as part of small groups. Students select an area of focus to work towards and present for assessment.  Most of the Year 9 classes are based in the Year 9 Centre. This year, the Year 9 has a Floating Period which runs once a week with assigned Floating teachers. The Floating Period is used for assemblies, mentoring class, daily notices and other extracurricular activities.


Future Makers Camp

Our Year 9 students participate in a very exciting program  conducted at 15 Mile Creek Outdoor School. The ‘Future Makers’ program has been developed by experts and is aimed at developing personal, social and critical thinking skills in our students who are the Future Makers of their generation.

The program forms an integral part of the Year 9 curriculum and is continuous across a full term of schooling. There are several components to the program – 15 Mile Creek camp staff attend the college to deliver some lessons prior to the residential camp, students then attend the camp for twelve days including a weekend of intense instruction and activities to develop their personal and leadership skills. This is followed by a Community Action Day where students complete several community projects.


Careers Program

Benalla P-12 College delivers an intensive, personalised Careers Program for all Year 9 students designed to improve student aspirations for successful Year 12 completion and beyond. Students develop an ‘Achievement Portfolio’ which includes a Career Action Plan, employability skills, audit, and evidence of their achievement. Students undertake mock job interviews which involve all elements of the job application process (writing a cover letter and resume, completing Work Health and Safety modules, looking at personal presentation). The portfolio and the tasks completed is then presented to a family member during Year 10 course selection. The portfolios are stored in the Careers Office and are designed to be revisited over the next year 3 years. Students also undertake the My Career Insights (Morrisby) profiling, looking at student’s strengths in terms of possible career pathways.  Students then meet with a qualified Careers Practitioner who goes through their results and looking at career interests and possible subjects for Year 10 and beyond.


School for student leadership – Alpine School

The School for Student Leadership is a Victorian Department of Education and Training initiative offering a unique residential education experience for Year 9 students. This program will be confirmed by the end of Term 3.

The curriculum focuses on personal development and team learning projects.

The School for Student Leadership (SSL), previously known as an Alpine School operates on three campuses:

  1. Alpine school campus, Dinner Plain
  2. Snowy River campus, Marlo
  3. Gnurad – Gundidj campus, Glenormiston

A team of four to six students are chosen via application and attend the school for a term. While at the school they continue their education in an inclusive setting and participate in a wide range of outdoor activities to strengthen both their teamwork and leadership skills. The students also begin a community learning project which is completed when they return to their home school.

When students return to school they are supported through their transition back into life at Benalla P12 College. All students who have attended the school for student leadership have found it to be a positive, life experience.

The Snowy River School for student Leadership is a program that went for 9 weeks.

Previously, six Year 9 students attended the Alpine School. During this period of time, they learnt many valuable skills including self-awareness, social awareness, metacognition, culture diversity, decision making and more. They also experienced fun, new outdoor activities like surfing and caving. Over these 9 weeks, they created a Community Learning Project that they continued on when they returned home. Their project included going to a local aged care facility called Cooinda. They decided to partake in this because it would be a great opportunity to visit the elders’ home and interact with one another. During their visit to the facility, they played many games such as board games that they could all enjoy. They could see that the skills they had learnt from Snowy, like respect and confidence really showed during their visit. The newly learnt skills the students have acquired during this program had added to their life long skills that can be transferred at home and school.

Senior Years 10-12

The Weary Dunlop Education Centre of the Benalla P-12 College, Faithfull Street Campus, offers an adult learning environment to Year 10, 11 and 12 students. Students in Year 10 will undertake English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities for the entire year. Health/Physical Education will be compulsory for one semester. Students will also be able to choose five (5) semester based elective subjects from the following areas: Health/Physical Education, Materials Technology, Food Technology, Information and Communications Technology, Indonesian and Arts. Year 10 students will also have the opportunity to ‘fast track’ a VCE or VCE VET subject in Year 10.

Two certificates are available to senior students in Years 11 and 12 – VCE and VCE Vocational Major. The Careers Action Plan (CAPs) that students were guided through in Year 9 and 10 help to prepare students in the selection of their courses.

The Senior Secondary program provides a range of student leadership and development opportunities. The college’s student leadership program encourages students to undertake positions as House Captains, School Captains, and Student Leadership Group members. Benalla P-12 College also develops strong student leadership through local projects developed and led by students in our VCE and VCE Vocational Major studies.

We also have well developed relationships with a number of universities and TAFEs which offer leadership and academic programs, and we work hard to ensure that we have Benalla P-12 College students participate in these. Universities and TAFEs visit to speak with students about courses and life beyond high school.  Students have access to a Careers Coordinator to discuss and organise work experience, School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (through the Head Start program), applying for university and TAFE and any other career advice needed.

Benalla P-12 College Careers Website